This is the first time I can remember experiencing grief for places...so many loved and frequented places in Western NC. It is inspiring to see all the mobilization and how fast FEMA got food and water into the markets.

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Of course, friends are suffering still and the shock of it all...it is really traumatic. Also seeing the footage of absoulte destruction and knowing how many people are still unaccounted for and probably lost. Unimaginable here but it happened...so fast.

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I’m experiencing a full body emotional response that I’ve never really experienced before this event, despite other traumas and a childhood diagnosis of PTSD. This quickness is something else — like I haven’t really caught up in a body way with what my brain knows.

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Do you have Rescue Remedy? It has proven to stop full blown panic attacks,though it won't completely heal your trauma, it will bring stress-relief and grounding. Actually, a gallon of Rescue Remedy would be great and the horses and your pets and all there would benefit from taking some for a while. You can put it in their water... for you, a bottle of spring water (small) with 10 drops in and sip frequently.

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