Wishing you healing wishes, although the system sounds broken, there are always great medical professionals, may you find your way into their hands. And may universal health care become more of a possibility in your country.

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Thank you, Sally. And I hope that you have a week filled with discovery and magic.

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Living in Australia, I knew the US medical system could be disastrously expensive and very patchy in It’s coverage, but truly had little idea of what this meant in the ground. Your story horrifies me Kimberly. I am so sorry for what you have been through and are going through with such an extortionate and uncaring system. To think when you are at your most vulnerable and depleted you have to keep constantly vigilant for not ending up bankrupt. Makes me all the more determined to fight for universal public health coverage which we have here and which is getting constantly nibbled at. Everyone needs and deserves the security of healthcare

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It's astounding really. My grandfather and I argued long and hard about the American health system -- his fears of single payer systems and what he deemed "socialized medicine" (when in truth the only actual socialized systems in the world are the American Veteran and Medicaid programs) -- but when it came time for him to search for answers beyond US medicine for my grandmother, we traveled the world looking for answers. The arguments I'm always presented with are that other countries have long wait times. We also have long wait times and the cost is coming out of pocket. It baffles me how we have a healthcare system that is constructed through fear and that answers divide the conuntry politically. It's a human problem, not a political problem. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and for reading my words!

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I love you and your creative and expressive style of writing. Please keep it up. I need you and I am praying to SOURCE for your body!!!

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Thank you for those prayers! I can't wait to be back on Kehena with you.

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I know how lucky Alex and I are to have removed our office from the insurance game- and how lucky we are that this is still an option in the dental world- but healthcare is a calling and insurance companies and “healthcare administrators” have turned into a business devoid of care. It’s a sad state of affairs.

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We're so far thick in an entangled system that there seems like no way out. I'm so grateful for everything you, Alex, and your practice does for the community.

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Keep treading water. You are OK

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Thank you, Frankie. That is a beautiful reminder and I'm holding it close.

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I love you. 🖤

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I love you!!!

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