As you described your visualization that formed the home with in yourself, I saw your porch as the sun is setting, lightening bugs starting to drift up, and belly laughs brewing from deep in side us as we gather around your table.

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I'm thinking back now to how many of the dreams that have followed me all my life have involved houses. And in each of these visions there were people and laughter and BIG questions and so much smart talk. As I read your comment I realize that we have all made those dreams happen. I'm so thankful for you and I love you!

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Comfort is in the dirt at Bramblewood- thanks for bringing it to the surface. Reading your work is like unfolding a treasure - moving back and forth in time, finding your “subject” - I so enjoy it 🥰!

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I need this line on a t-shirt! ❤️🌿 Thank you, so very much, for your beautiful words and for being a part of this farm's madness from the very beginning.

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This is so beautiful Kimberly- I'm lingering with the idea of home inside yourself and dancing with your words. Thank you so much xx

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We do dance with words, don't we? Both individually and collectively -- softening into that dance, like I'm learning to soften into home makes me feel all settled and brimming-full. Thank you, dear one! ❤️ I feel the very same way about your words.

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Yes, we are all aching for comfort. Old souls are often knowledgeable but are sometimes hesitant to take charge. Other old souls take charge but not in an effective way. Its about time we use our “grandparent knowledge” AND use our voices. Your description of your home in your head sounds magical. Thank for sharing your amazing words. 💜

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"Other old souls take charge but not in an effective way." -- this line opened up a door for me. I don't know where it's taking me, but thank you for helping me see this and so many other things every day. Thank YOU for your beautiful words and for sharing this journey with me.

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