This is the place where my words nest, grow wings, and fly about.
I believe in the healing power of stories. Telling our stories and listening to the stories of others is, for me, the cypher that unlocks the secret message, whatever our individual messages may be.
Stable Roots is a gathering place for my cypher, my stories, and through them I hope you will be inspired to tell your own. When the world feels like it’s gone mad, I’ve always found a natural order in storytelling that gives me little glimpses of a collective that rests like a calm pool beyond the chaos. Sharing this space with you is my calm pool. Thank you.
After a month, my public posts will sink into the archive, which is accessible in full for all paid subscribers.
Medium was my home base before I moved over to Substack and I’m removing the paywall from all my past Medium publications. You can access and peruse them all here.
I also like things that come in threes, like the words triune and troika and trifecta.
Hurricane Helene
For the foreseeable future, my weekly posts will be focused on sharing the voices and needs of people in my southern, mountain home whose lives were forever altered by the destruction of Hurricane Helene. Here’s how you can learn more and help:
How to Support Hurricane Helene Recovery - a daily changing lists of trusted organizations and individuals who are making a huge difference.
The Southeastern US needs you to keep talking about the devastation of Hurricane Helene

Ten Times I Said No To Love: and one time I said yes
My love story to the farm and to my love as we count down to our wedding day in September. It’s a creative non-fiction work in progress with a new chapter added each week.
|| Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three || Chapter Four || Chapter Five ||
|| Chapter Six || Chapter Seven || Chapter Eight || Chapter Nine || Chapter Ten ||
TAKING ROOT: my weekly newsletter roundup of ALL THE THINGS
The Blood Rule: horses, the Olympics, and the future of equestrian sports
The Richest Poor Man: Navigating American healthcare with a credit card
Raging Fires and Cool Forests: Navigating vitality like a fern.
Aching for Comfort: Is anyone in charge here?
Imitation or Inspiration: finding our voice in an information drenched world.
Risk Aversion and Yearning: two things can be true at once.
Leaves of Three, Leave Them Be: on poison ivy, aurora, and hearing voices
Planting as a Subversive Act: gardens, grounding, and grace
On Loss, Resiliency, and Midwifing Myself Through Hard Transitions
Taking Root: Contemplation, Joan of Arc, and Where Wolves
Mysterious Saturdays, Feeling Made Conscious, and Napping Squirrels
Taking Root: The Place Where Everything Compiles.
Relatively Stable:
A baby draft of a larger, creative non-fiction, work in progress. I’m sharing pieces of it with you here in its raw form to keep my spark firing and to hold myself personally accountable as I progress and before I get obsessive with edits.
The Blood Rule: horse, the Olympics, and the future of equestrian sports
The Woods Have Eyes: a glimpse into the supernatural
Formed from Lightning and Metal: ditching my professional rule book.
Ode to the Punk Kids
Relatively Stable
It’s Quiet Enough to Hear Myself Dream Again
Sea Level is Sea Level
Old White Horse Road
Grief the Size of Oceans
Poetry: (PAID)
Always Here
The Case Against Fear
Short Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: (PAID)
La Loba: Wolf Woman, Keeper of the Bones
How To Appear Perfect When You Are In Danger
The Visitation
Monthly Paid Subscriber Zoom Gatherings: (PAID)
June 2024: we’re incapable of tackling trifling subjects
Journaling Workshop Recordings: (PAID)
This list will be growing and changing as I share more with you. You’ll find it as a handy table of contents at the top of the Stable Roots landing page.
My roots grow stronger with you near.
Love the welcome video!!! Bramblewood is definitely one of (if not the) the only places I feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable.